If your sweet infant is suddenly a cranky drool machine, there is a good chance that you have entered the teething phase. It may seem impossible but parents for generations have found ways to deal with teething troubles. Here is what you can expect from this stage as well as some tips to get your baby through it as comfortably as possible.
Teething: What Is Happening?
Babies generally cut their first primary teeth when they are between six months and one year old, although others may have that first tooth erupt when they are as young as four months old. Your baby should see the dentist for the first time when their first tooth comes in, or on their first birthday if the first tooth has not yet poked through.
Symptoms and Signs of Teething
Your baby may not experience all the common signs of teething, but they will most likely experience at least one of them. These may include:
·Sore, swollen gums
·A temperature of less than 101 degrees
·Excessive drooling
·A desire to chew or bite toys
·Crying, crankiness, fussing
·Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
If your baby experiences symptoms like vomiting, a rash, diarrhea, coughing, or a high temperature, you should see your doctor immediately. These are not normal signs of teething.
Soothing a Teething Baby
There are many things you can do to ease your baby’s discomfort during the teething stage. In addition to caring for your baby, remember that you need to practice self-care and find ways to reduce the frustration that often comes with parenting a teething infant. Don’t be afraid to lay your baby down safely in their crib and step away for a moment. Keep in mind that under no circumstances should you ever shake a baby out of frustration.
Cold Compress. Cold is often very soothing to sore gums and can be applied using a cold cloth, a cold pacifier, or a frozen teething toy.
Pain relievers. Many over the counter medications can help soothe your baby when they are cutting a tooth, but you should discuss them with your doctor or dentist first. Be careful not to exceed the recommended daily dose for your baby’s age and weight.
Gnawing . Letting your baby gnaw on your fingers or clean teething toys can be a great comfort for them. The motion and pressure of gnawing helps relieve pain as the tooth pushes through the gum.
Cleanliness: The excess drool that often comes with teething can cause a baby’s mouth to become chapped, so it is important to keep the area clean and dry. It is also important to make sure that you are not allowing them to chew on dirty items, which can cause diseases such as thrush. If you notice any problems with your baby’s oral health, be sure to see a dentist immediately.
Teeth Eruption
Usually, the bottom two teeth come in first, with the top two coming in shortly after. Next, the teeth on either side will come, followed by the molars and canines. When your child is older and begins to lose their baby teeth, they will come out in a similar order.
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