If you recently had a child, you are starting out on a beautiful but intimidating journey. The next few years are going to be filled with new experiences. Not the least of these experiences are going to be dental milestones the child will face as these years pass. As a new parent, we want you to be aware of what the future holds for your child in terms of oral health.
Milestone #1: Teething
Your child’s first “dental” experience may very well be the most painful milestone the child goes through. In addition to being painful for the child, it can be frustrating for the parents because the child is still not talking. The only way the child has to express his or her discomfort is through crying.
In general, the first tooth will make its way through the gum line around the six-month mark. While most parents wait until their child is approaching his or her third birthday to go to the dentist, the first visit should occur six months AFTER the first tooth has come through.
Milestone #2: End of Teething
While the teething stage may seem like it is taking forever, it will generally come to a conclusion before the child reaches his or her third birthday. At the end of the teething, molars will start to grow in, which can be especially painful for the child. This is also the time to take notice of possible dental problems. Even though the child’s primary teeth will start to fall out around the age of six, how these teeth come in will more or less give you a blueprint for possible future dental problems (so you can address these issues with your dentist or develop a game plan now).
Milestone #3: Primary Teeth (Baby Teeth) Fall Out
Beginning at roughly age six, the primary teeth will start to fall out to be replaced with the permanent teeth. This is far less painful for the child then the teething stage. However, there may still be some discomfort.
Milestone #4: Braces
Once all the permanent teeth are in, braces may be needed to straighten the teeth. Again, seeing how the primary teeth come in can give you ample warning that this may be a course of action needed. It is best to address this issue as early as possible, which is why you went to make sure your child is having regular dental visits within six months of the first primary tooth coming in. If you are lucky, your child will be able to skip this milestone.
Milestone #5: Wisdom Teeth
Unfortunately, it seems like more people have problems with their wisdom teeth than those that don’t. Remember that pain the child had when he or she was teething? Get ready for it again. Additional pain can be caused when a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, which may require oral surgery to remove.
Is your child ready for his or her first dental appointment? If you are trying to find a family dentist in Granville OH , Sampson Dental Group is now accepting new patients, so if you would like more information about our dental services or want to make an appointment, click here.